Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Business of Hair

What I am learning in the many endeavors of business that I am taking on right now, is that commerce is changing.  Big Business is not longer winning.  Many people have come to know that they must take on many endeavors to go past survival and paying the bills, to LIVING A LIFE.  Many, many people work for themselves in many ways.  They share the pie in many ways.  They are doing what is called building a TRIBE.  They are making their own worlds, they are making their own commerce HAPPEN.  Follow Seth Godin.  He speaks of these tribes.  I am seeing it happen and being it happening as well.

I recently stepped out on my own to do hair. I am in business for myself. I am writing, I am performing, I am a marketing monster in the maze of selling my soul.  I get it.  I love doing hair, I am creative, I will walk the streets with my cards and my talents and I will conquer the never ending battle of bringing in business. I am doing hair at an Art Gallery on Friday nights The Art Salon Denver where Jennifer Mosquera has built up a tribe of creatives.  I am doing improv with JonJon and Company - also a professional tribe builder.  Voodoo Comedy Playhouse another amazing tribe builder full of creatives.  Joleen Naylor, photographer, artist, writer and I are putting on a play in August at The Art Salon as well.

I am meeting Others.  There are Others.

Brandi Shigley is a powerhouse of Tribe building.  Please visit her site.

Denver Design Incubator is full of so much energy of people trying to build a common place for Designers and Fashion lovers/movers/shakers in Denver and make it a viable commodity for anyone interested in design in Denver and for it to stay in Denver.  Tracie at http://www.gabrielconroy.com/ - the Fashion Doc.

 http://www.megafaunastore.com/ - John - who's philosophy for the business is this:  "We are a soapbox for those who have grown weary of the corporate brand, the red tape of government subsidized ownership and the mindless advertising of mainstream mediums."

We all do what we gotta do and lots of people are doing this.  They are creating their worlds.  Not marching in line and punching clocks.

TV is dying.  The music industry (big record labels and how they SELL) is dying.  Radio is dying.  We are inventing what we need, how we get it, on our own and people are following.  Pod casts, Hulu, itunes, downloading what we need and not what someone else thinks we need.  We are getting our power back.

We all have several jobs so we can stay humanized humans.

There are Others.

Go be them and go meet them.  When you build it they WILL come.  I went online to look for some visuals for this blog and immediately thought of the musical HAIR.  So when I google imaged it this came up...


Hair tells the story of the "tribe", a group of politically active, long-haired hippies of the "Age of Aquarius" living a bohemian life in New York City and fighting against conscription into theVietnam War. Claude, his good friend Berger, their roommate Sheila and their friends struggle to balance their young lives, loves and the sexual revolution with their rebellion against the war and their conservative parents and society. 


Fight the war kids.  Keep going.  Its all gonna be okay!!  Struggle to find YOUR life.  Its there.  Build it.

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